Time to start over… again

Yes, it’s true – I’ve gained 2lbs after a short vacation over the weekend to Portland with my man. It’s okay though – I’m just happy that I didn’t gain everything back.

May will be the month to really push things along. I work for a company that is owned by Whole Foods Market – and every year we get a chance to receive up to a 30% discount at all WFM stores. My biometric screening is on the 22nd of May – Therefore that gives me about 3 weeks to get back to focusing on my diet and exercise.

AND – I have a wedding to go to. A wedding where I will meet my boyfriends WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILY! I’d definitely like to look nice for that!

I haven’t strayed to far away from working out. I have been focusing on my endurance when it comes to running. I’m up to 4 miles at the moment and would really like to work up to a 1/2 marathon which is about 13.1 miles. A friend of mine wanted to do the ‘Rock n’ Roll 1/2 Marathon’ that is coming up in October. Good time to start now! My goal would be to beat my last 1/2 marathon time @ 2 hours and 35 minutes.

I did however stray from my diet and it is quite amazing that diet impacts EVERYTHING. I’m definitely sluggish, fatigued and my motivation is lacking. I don’t feel like working, or painting, or even just waking up in the morning. I feel like an addict when it comes to food – and everything healthy doesn’t sound as good as unhealthy choices. HOWEVER – I know all this, we all know this.. we all know that the choices you make – has consequences.  I have been eating healthy and just having a few pieces of junk here and there, but it’s back to eating better. Sometimes it’s just not worth it, and sometimes you just want it in your mouth.

My weigh in:

April 29th = 133lbs
Gained 2lbs from previous month!

What a bummer!
Well, till next time!

Exhausted Much?

Well, this week most definitely put a wrench in all of my plans. I had some dental work done and it really put me out 2 days. I had a rest day on Monday – Then my appointment on Tuesday – which ended up having some major complications. Which brings me to today. I’m pretty exhausted mentally and physically and it’s a shame because there is no way I will get to the gym today. I will get there tomorrow for sure. I haven’t been eating the best – which I shouldn’t dwell on it. I will get back to it tomorrow.

What do you do when things don’t go the way you planned? It kinda messes everything up mentally. At least for me. I feel like shit inside and out. The best thing you can do, is just not to be so hard on yourself.

I have a circle of close friends whom I adore so much that really helped me the past few days with uncontrollable laughter and just a positive outlook. My handsome manbeef called me on the phone last night to make sure I was okay. It’s really the lovely smiling people around me that make me want to do better and just get better.

I have my 12 week weigh in coming up here in only 2 weeks. Time to really sweat and watch what I eat. Would be a shame if I ended up gaining! Hopefully I just stayed consistent. I was only going to do this whole thing for 12 weeks, but I’m going to try and focused on a whole year! 🙂 That’s some kind of commitment!

Anyway – Cheers to shitty dentist appointments, lovely friends, lovely lovers and getting back on my feet! Got to hit the pavement HARD these next 2 weeks!

I leave you with a photo of my dear friend Bri and my handsome son Monkey.
We went on a nice little hike on Saturday since she was visiting from Chicago!
Spring is most definitely in the air!

Follow her fun blog:



Now what!?

Another weigh in and guess what? I am still 131!? I’m a little frustrated but at the same time I’m okay, really I am. My clothes fit better. My muffin top is just slightly there. I have more energy and I sleep better through the night. Even though I do not see the weight dropping on the scale – I think I might be losing weight and perhaps gaining some muscle? I’m not sure how much truth lies in that whole muscle weighs more than fat ordeal – but I do see more muscle definition, and less softness.

My friend told me to take before and after shots – so when this 12 weeks is over with, I’ll take my after and see if there are changes. I’d like to keep going with this whole routine for a year! I’ve decided to make some changes with my workouts as well. A week of cardio then a week of weight training and cardio BURSTS, going to alternate that and see if that gets me out of this plateau of mine.

Overall I’m not going to let this discourage me. I know in the past I had a really bad habit of not seeing any significant changes which lead me to not giving a rats ass and then falling down the spiral of eating like crap and not working out. NOT THIS TIME! I am even more determined! Everyone always talks about how their metabolism slows down and it’s harder to lose weight in their 30’s. I understand this completely now!  It was so easy losing weight when I was in my 20’s, but now – I have to be aware of everything I put into my mouth and making sure I sweat at the gym.

I have Warrior Dash coming up in August, planning on signing up for a 1/2 marathon in October and picking out a really sweet Halloween costume this year! Not anything too skanky of course.. but definitely something I know I will have to be in shape for! Got to set some goals since I love feeling like I accomplished something!

Here’s a selfie of me on top of Bear Peak in Eldorado Colorado! (Don’t  mind my red eyes and chapped lips!)  It was a strenuous 8 mile hike with an elevation gain of around 3,200 ft. The peak lies at 8,400 ft! You’d think that before I decided to take on such a crazy solo hike – I’d do some research on what I was about to get myself into. Ya – I didn’t, I wanted to turn around about 12,324 times! BUT – I kept at it, kept pushing myself and I am so happy I did! It is seriously my favorite peak now! The view was 360 degrees of absolutely stunning scenery and I highly recommend it to anyone that is more of an intermediate hiker. It actually felt tougher than most of the 14er’s I’ve done!

Bear peak

Onward to week #9 – and hopefully keeping this up for a year! I keep thinking about how my before and after would look with a whole year in between. I have to stay focused, I have to keep moving forward! This is about changing my lifestyle and not just a quick fix.


It’s that time!


That time of the fucking month where I feel absolutely BAT SHIT crazy!  How do you deal with your brain literally driving you mad? Get off of your ass and get to the GYM! It is seriously the ONLY thing that helps me feel sane again. Did you know when you work out during that time of the month you actually burn more calories than normal? Oh – body chemistry, you make me happy.

How do you handle stress? When I am under pressure or stressed, I can’t enjoy the things I usually enjoy on a day to day basis. I can’t create art, I can’t hold a conversation, I can’t eat, it’s absolutely ridiculous.  You have to fight it in order to surpass it. I usually reminisce on memories of a happy moment, listen to a crap ton of happy music and I try to get off my ass and hit the gym. Rinse, and repeat – and you’ll be feeling great in no time.

I’ve been pretty good on my diet- however I’ve lost my appetite. I know this is bad, and I’m trying to force myself to eat. I’m not too concerned because once I start feeling better I’ll start eating again.  I’ve had a bit of a sweet tooth lately – (obviously) So, I gave into some frozen yogurt w/ fruit. It could’ve been completely worse. My weigh in is in less than a week! I’ll have to get over this little bump.

This week my man and I decided to get some important doctor appointments scheduled and well today was 1 out of 2 of the appointments. I had 3 vials of blood drawn so they could check my cholesterol, Iron, B levels, thyroid and some other vitamin deficiency testing. Doc said that my weight and blood pressure are perfect and to keep doing what I’m doing. 🙂 Go ME! My next appointment is on Friday! This one is an allergy test. Sometimes, we actually have some negative side effects due to some allergies that we have. Most of the time we just ignore them and place blame on other items. This will pin point to see if I could do anything better with my diet or any environmental issues I could possibly change.

Cheers to week #8 coming to a close! Weigh in is on 4/1/14!

Ice Cream, You Scream – I fucking ate some ice cream

I had delicious coconut almond ice cream from one of the most highly rated ice cream shops here in Denver, CO. Little Man Ice Cream – HOLY delectable! I took 1 lick, and basically was in “get in my mouth” mode.  I am letting myself have 1 cheat meal every 4 weeks or so. That’s all until after my next weigh in, but was so worth it.

All my changes have been a lot easier to maintain. Some things I need to work on are making my lunches for work during the week. I either end up not eating at all because I’m afraid of what to eat, or spending more money on salads when I have all the items at home. Last night I cooked up some sour, spicy, beef and cabbage soup. Should last me all week. I’ve been throwing together a yummy breakfast smoothie in the mornings and grabbing a few fruits for snacks throughout the day. When my energy flags around 1:00pm, I stop what I’m doing, stretch and grab a large glass of water and chug it down. Within 5 minutes I’m already feeling a ton better.


Spicy, Sour, Beef and Cabbage soup
Ingredients: 1 lime, 1/2 head of cabbage, 1 yellow onion, 1 bell pepper, beef bones and about a table spoon of garlic oil, 2 cans of beef broth, red pepper flakes, and salt and pepper

Prep: Cut lime into wedges, chop onions, cabbage and bell pepper, rub garlic oil over beef bones

Cook: Bring water + beef broth to a boil, add chopped onions and oiled beef bones. Cook on high for 10 minutes then drop to low and cook covered for a few hours. add more water if needed. Drop in your veggies, and red pepper flakes. cook for about 30 mins (depending on how you like your veggies.) I like adding the limes right before serving + salt and pepper to taste.  Enjoy!


For my actual lunch break – I am able to utilize the YMCA gym facilities next door. So convenient and I am definitely lucky that I have that at my disposal. I am incorporating a Jillian Michael DVD twice a week at home for the evenings. I have 4 different DVD’s of hers! I absolutely love her, and its an easy way to keep my routine different.

4 3 2 1


I recently  had a few people ask me – why I am doing this. I am doing this because I like the way I feel when I’m eating right, working out and taking care of myself. I don’t like how I feel after I binge eat, drink too much beer or just let myself go. I’m not doing this for a guy. I’m not doing this to fit into a bikini. I’m not doing this because I  have a poor self image.  I have a man, I can fit into bikini’s already and I’m content with how I look at this point in time. I am addicted to the feeling you get after a great workout. Or slipping into a pair of jeans without having to tuck my muffin top into my jeans. We all have our reasons – and if someone is trying to better their life, then let them. Take a step back and see what you can do to make your own life better. We all have our struggles, and if this helps me get to where I’m trying to get to – so be it.


Holy BANANAS! – I have somehow made it through 4 weeks of eating clean and consistently working out. I’ve shaved off about 2 minutes from my 2 mile run and I’ve incorporated some lifting and strength moves into my routine.  I’ve stopped drinking caffeine and I have increased my water intake. I’ve done a pretty good job of going to bed early and getting enough sleep! I try to eat something every 3 hours to help boost my energy as well as metabolism, as well as purchasing some clean protein powder for my post workout, muscle growth and relief aid. For the most part I feel like my energy has increased, my mood has been enhanced positively, my focus at work is incredible, the quality of my sleep is better and I feel pretty amazing.

With all that I have said above, I told myself that the number on the scale is just that, a number. Changing my lifestyle for the better, most definitely means more to me than a number on the scale. However, shedding access fat is one of my priorities.

At a height of 5’2” my average BMI should be between 18.5-24.9

(To check your BMI go to https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/BMI/bmicalc.htm )

As you can see below 4 weeks ago I was at 136lbs which is a 24.9 – that would put me on the almost overweight category. I’d like to see myself on the lighter side of the ‘normal weight’ spectrum. I’d be content with that!


For those of you that do not know what BMI (Body Mass Index) is – it is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.

Today I am 5lbs lighter than I was 4 weeks ago!  I was hoping to have lost more than just 5 – but it’s better than nothing. I am now 131lbs which is at a 24.0 BMI rate. Slow and steady weight loss equates to sustainable weight loss.


I was hoping to get some great hiking in over the weekend because I planned a great outing to ‘Yellowstone National Park’ for my boyfriend’s birthday. However, we never made it and ended up being in the truck for over 24 hours. Time to step it up at the gym! My focus for the next 4 weeks – is to sweat hard, till it hurts.

The funeral of week 3 – and the anticipation of week 4

I am so happy that week 3 is finally coming to an end! It’s been such a tough week with cravings, fatigue and just overall motivation. I am happy to report – even with a short vacation over the weekend to California, I did not stray from my diet!!! Without fail – I would cheat on vacations because well it’s “vacation”. Another tough obstacle is family. My family is driven by food – we all love food, we all are plate clearers and we all have huge appetites. However, I didn’t break down, not once! NOPE! *pats self on back* I ate pretty clean and I even hit up my old gym during my stay. I must point out running at sea level when you’ve been running in high altitude for the past 8 years is pretty amazing. I could have literally ran forever!


Oh the produce in California is so amazing in comparison to the produce in Colorado. Instead of gorging myself on my favorite fatty joints, I bought a lot of fruit and nuts to keep my appetite in check. I had to tell my family that I was focused on my new diet and overall health transformation and for the most part they respected my wishes. There was a moment where my son said to me,  “Mama, it’s ok – you are on vacation!” and I replied with,  “You’re right, I am on vacation, but I’m going to eat all of these veggies and fruits instead because they are still delicious.”  He agreed and ate a ton of fresh fruits and veggies as well, but he had his goodies too. He’s pretty aware of what is healthy and that’s really important to me.

I’m definitely feeling stronger today. My willpower is kicking butt and I’m staying pretty focused. I had a few cravings during my stay in CA – but overall, it just wasn’t worth it to me. Going to kick it up a notch at the gym this week. Aiming for 2 mile runs, adding in intervals of 2 min sprint bursts. I know that I am comfortable with running at a 6mph pace – so every 5 minutes I will sprint to 7mph for 2 minutes. I am also planning on shortening my weight lift breaks in between sets. Try to alternate some days, working different muscle groups, and working those muscles till they are fatigued. Tomorrow is the first day of week 4 – and on March 4th I will have my 2nd weigh in. I’m really hoping to have shed some weight! Only time will tell!
Tomorrow, I will be trying out a bootcamp class for the first time with a friend after work. Then debating if I should do a lifting power class at my gym at 5:30am on Thursday, which is earlier than I’d like to rise but would be nice to get a workout out of the way! I know its important to try different things to keep your body out of a plateau.

So – everyone has a different workout regimen, I’m curious to see what are some of your favorite workouts and why?

That’s all I got for now! Hopefully all this hard work pays off at my weigh in!

The Beginning – Cravings, Strengthening my Willpower and BATTLING Addictions

In a nutshell:

  • 95% Paleo
  • Weight training, strength training and cardio/4-5 times a week!
  • Weigh in – every 4 weeks/Start weight 136lbs
  • 12 week program to start
  • Reevaluation of progress and adjustment of plan every 12 weeks


  • Build strength
  • Slim down
  • Tone up
  • Keep it up for 10 months/then maintain
  • Reach 115/120lbs

I already started my 12 week program – and currently riding dirty on week 3. Feeling pretty great this week – other than running outside and getting slapped across the face with allergies. (spring is coming..) OH – and it’s that time of the month I turn into a weepy vagina and cry over everything and anything. However, Week 1 was by far the hardest week! My cravings were intense and I just wanted everything I couldn’t have in my mouth. I just wanted to taste the ungood.


You see this!? That is literally ALL of my favorite things! Dessert, pizza, fried shit, grilled cheese sammiches, potatoes, FUCKING potatoes and DAT BREAD. I’ll go ahead and categorize these food items as “demon goods”!!
These were basically all the things I was desperately craving during week 1.

I was good though.. and I made it through with a few simple tips! I made sure to drink a glass of water before every meal and – that it’s okay to go to bed hungry – so, I did. I went to bed.. hungry. I wasn’t starving myself or anything, just making sure I didn’t eat past 6pm. I wanted to, don’t get me wrong, but I realized it was more of a comfort thing. So I crawled into bed with a good book and told my inner demons to shut the fuck up. I made sure to make my lunches like a good little girl and purchase enough snacks, veggies and lean meats to keep me on track. I went to bed at a reasonable hour and woke up earlier than I usually did. It really felt like I was an addict, I literally stared at photographs of food on facebook, instagram and pinterest. Food – that looked so damn sexy. I pushed myself to go run during my lunch breaks – and so I did – onward to week 2.

Week 2 – my quality of sleep is so much better! My cravings were limited, however I did have some demon goods for my Valentines dinner and meals over the weekend. BUT I made sure not to completely overdo it, and put some time in at the gym with my man beef. Still drinking a crap ton of water (crap ton = approx. 80 – 120oz) a day, getting a decent amount of sleep and still running as much as I can, I put in 11 miles for week 2! OH – and this might turn you off, but it seriously needs to be talked about. I am REGULAR! You have no idea (or maybe you do) what its like to go #2 every 3 days or even 4. You feel bloated, fat and basically miserable. Ever since I changed my diet it’s been night and day. Week 2 was my turning point, I felt absolutely amazing.

Which brings me to my 2nd day of week 3 – It’s been an interesting week so far. I’ve been feeling fatigued, sad and emotional. I haven’t had any REALLY bad cravings and like I was saying I had some bad allergies that clogged up my sinuses, made me puke and resulted in a delightful sinus headache. I blame womanhood on having a weird week thus far.

Anyway – feel free to help me with any tips, Paleo recipes, gym tips or words of encouragement! This is a huge step in my life – and I’d like to prove to myself that I can do this!
When I get to week 12 – I’ll post a before and after! It’s always fun to see progress and I hope for all you people out there that are ready to take on the next steps in their physical fitness, that my blog plays some motivation for you and your journey.